Sheffield – from afar
I went to a cricket game at the weekend and met some lovely people, and one of them has a connection through work and life with Sheffield. He knew of the club but also the history of the club and the area. There seems to be a community almost of people who ‘know’ both non league football and also cricket, particularly at lower levels.
I think the memories of these clubs are etched in there. I wrote my latest poem for the Sheffield FC web site, which should appear soon, about Sheffield FC- from afar. Remembering the club on the beach in those lazy summer days.
For me summer was not really a break from football as a kid I’d read those big bumper special magazines of ‘Roy of the Rovers’ and was dreaming of games to come. My poem took a few days to craft and it is written in what is called ‘blank verse, usually written with ten syllables, often 10 but I have gone for 9, as one can break the rules! Break them in the name of a good rhythm, as any good song would. It then can sound ‘nice’. My poem reflects many of those feelings; like love from afar, distant yearnings. Watch out for it on the web site.