The kindness of strangers- in the suburbs of Grantham
Games bring memories and associations and for me the game at Harrowby United, in the suburbs of Grantham brought the kindness of strangers, given a lift to the ground when a passer bye offered me a lift and, if perhaps often wary of such lifts I took the offer up and appreciated it. Getting to the ground and the area was full of new build housing and there seemed something of a community with shops and other services, in this outback in Grantham. The ground was compact and friendly and there was some tradition with the sight of a union jack appearing as below behind a fence. I myself can’t really get it when flags of the nation appear in back gardens, what is the home owner trying to say? But that apart it was a pleasant afternoon. the game a narrow 2-1 win against the visitors Gressley Rovers from Swadlingcoat.